Read below for details on what Dr. Lee offers!
Dr. Jerry Lee, D.C., M.A.O.M., L.Ac., Dipl. OM (NCCAOM)
Dr. Jerry Lee is a dually licensed Doctor of Chiropractic and Acupuncturist in the state of California. He specializes in various Kinesiology techniques fundamentally based on the “TRIAD OF HEALTH”: physical, nutritional and emotional stressors that may be affecting the body. Using natural and holistic hands-on methods to examine how the body is functioning as a WHOLE, Dr. Lee addresses the root CAUSES of your symptoms. He has dedicated over thousands of hours in post-graduate seminars and has earned many certifications to provide optimal care for his patients through all walks of life.
Dr. Lee received his Chiropractic (D.C.) and Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (M.A.O.M) degrees from Southern California University of Health Sciences, and his Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he majored in Movement Science in the Division of Kinesiology (http://www.kines.umich.edu/). Go Blue!
Dr. Lee is certified in Applied Kinesiology through the International College of Applied Kinesiology (I.C.A.K.) (http://www.icakusa.com), and has also passed his Practical Proficiency exam in Applied Kinesiology (A.K.). This specific chiropractic technique utilizes muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine the structural (bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves), chemical (nutrition and diet), and mental (emotional) health of an individual’s body. This is what we call, the “Triad of Health.” For more information on A.K.: (http://www.icakusa.com/what-is-ak).
Along with completing certificates in A.K., Dr. Lee has also accumulated thousands of hours in post-graduate seminar studies. Dr. Lee has attained his Certificate of Completion in Total Body Modification (T.B.M. – www.tbmseminars.com), and is also a certified practitioner in Neuro-Emotional Technique (N.E.T. – www.netmindbody.com). Other seminars Dr. Lee has attended and studied include: whole food clinical nutrition, herbal healing, Evolutionary Quantum Healing Technique (https://www.eqht.net) formerly known as Natural Healing (www.NHseminars.com), the Acupuncture Balance Technique for Neuromuscular Pain Conditions by Dr. Richard Tan (www.drtanshow.com), Korean Hand Acupuncture (www.khtsystems.com), Gonstead Chiropractic Technique, cold laser therapies by Erchonia, Natural Therapies for Autism seminars, Creative Emotional Wizadry (www.cewseminars.com), Theta Healing (www.thetahealing.com), and more.
Long before studying the healing arts, sciences, and philosophies of Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.), Dr. Lee immersed himself in the health field at an early age. Knowing that becoming a doctor and providing a service towards improving one’s health would be in his future, he shadowed and worked with doctors from all professions to understand what services each provided and what each profession had to offer towards health and well-being. From Chiropractors and Acupuncturists, to Physical Therapists, and even doing field and clinical research with Medical Doctors and Ph.D.’s, Dr. Lee discovered a strong passion and interest towards Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy. Both disciplines offered not only a more natural approach in restoring one’s health, but both fields also share a common vitalistic and holistic approach towards achieving optimal health.
Dr. Lee believes that the body is self-regulating and self-healing, but sometimes just needs a “facilitator” to help guide the body towards achieving that optimal state of well-being and recovery. That is the job of the Chiropractor/Acupuncturist.
Dr. Lee whole-heartedly believes in the Triad of Health. When the physical, chemical and emotional well-being of a person is put back into balance, the body’s inborn potential can thrive and operate at its greatest capacity. Dr. Lee is a firm believer that EVERY individual should be entitled to the highest quality of life, meeting their health goals holistically and naturally!
Professional Memberships:
2007-2008: American Chiropractic Association: 2007-2008
2007-2008: California Chiropractic Association: 2007-2008
International College of Applied Kinesiology-USA. (ICAK-USA): 2006-Present
Southern California University of Health Sciences Alumni Association: 2010-2011
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA): 2013-2014
International Association of Chiropractors (2013-2014)
The Holistic Chamber Of Commerce (HCC): 2015-present
Proud member of the University of Michigan Alumni Association (2004 - Current)
Post-Graduate Certifications:
International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) 100-Hour Certification (April 2006) (www.icakusa.com)
Certificate to practice Physiotherapy – Certificate #86489 - National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) (January 2007)
Certificate of Completion in Total Body Modification (TBM), Modules 1-3.Total Body Modification (January 2008) (www.tbmseminars.com)
Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Clean Needle Technique Certification (2009)
Level 2: Advanced Certification in Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) (January 2011) (www.netmindbody.com)
ZYTO Technology Certification – Balance 5.0 System (February 2013)
Certificate of Proficiency in the Webster Technique – International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (May 2013) (www.ICPA4kids.com)
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM) - National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) (July 2021)
1. The International Association of Chiropractors - Recognized in the 2013-2014 Edition of Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare - Top Chiropractor, Oriental Medicine Specialist, and Acpuncturist in Pasadena, California